Neuroaxis is now Telehealth enabled and we can provide this service to eligible patients. Find out more about the service below.
Telehealth appointments are just like in person appointments but are conducted over the phone or over a video conference call using technology like Skype or Zoom for example.
As a patient you will book your appointment like normal. However instead of coming into one of our consulting suites, we will call you in the comfort of your home. All information is kept private as it would in a normal consultation.
If you are booking an appointment via the online form, please ensure that you check the box for Telehealth appointment. Alternatively you can book a Telehealth appointment by phoning our head office.
If it is your first appointment with Neuroaxis, we do ask that it is in person. This enables our team to get a detailed history and all relevant clinical information.Telehealth services can be utilised for subsequent discussions of test results and treatment options.
Our practice has a large number of patients who live in country Victoria. We acknowledge that they may have difficulty travelling to access neurosurgical services. In addition, throughout the Covid 19 pandemic, we found it challenging to support our patients in the normal way. With social distancing, self-isolation and restrictions, Telehealth allowed us to continue tending to the health needs of our patients.